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Marshall County, Indiana

The homepage for the government of Marshall County, Indiana


Cash Payments

These may be made in person at the Clerk’s Office, Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You will need your ISETS or Case Number.

A drop box is also located near the front entrance. Please be sure to include the payer’s name, the recipient’s name, and ISETS and Court case number. If you would like a receipt, please include a postage paid return envelope.

Online Payments:

Make a payment online. You will need your social security number, case number and follow the remaining payment instructions.

Telephone Payments:

You can make a child support by credit/debit card over the telephone by calling 1-855-972-9427. You will be directed to the automated phone system to process your child support payment. Follow the prompts that inform you what you need to enter using the keypad of your phone. You will need to enter the SSN of the person who is responsible for the child support payment, the 10 digit Indiana child support case number, the payment amount, the credit/debit card information, and telephone number.

Mailing Payments:

A child support Remittance Form may be downloaded, printed and mailed with your payment. Personal checks, money orders, and cashier’s checks may be mailed. Cash is not accepted.

If you elect not to print the Remittance Form, be sure to include the following information with each payment:

  • Your name, address, telephone number and social security number
  • Your ISETS case number and Court cause number
  • Custodial party’s name
  • Payment Amount

Mail to: INSCUU, P. O. Box 7130, Indianapolis, IN 46207-7130

Payment History:

Support payment history is available at the Marshall County Clerk’s Office for a fee of $1.00 per case. (Indiana State law requires an additional $1.00 fee if the history must be certified.) Child support information is confidential; therefore, you must provide the ISETS and Court case number and a photo ID in order to receive a payment history and may only be requested by a case participant.

If you do not know your ISETS case number and/or your court cause number or you have questions regarding payments, contact the KIDSLINE at 317-233-5437 (local) or toll-free 800-840-8757 or 317-241-9636 (TTY).

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Clerk's Office
211 W Madison St
Plymouth, IN 46563
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