Assessor's Office
Sales Disclosure Form Instructions
The Department of Local Government Finance (“Department”) has revised the Sales Disclosure Form (State Form 46021), effective January 1, 2021. The revisions are the culmination of nearly two (2) years of work by an ad hoc committee comprised of representatives from the Department, the Indiana County Assessor’s Association, the Indiana Land Title Association, the Indiana Realtor’s Association, the Indiana State Bar Association, and a property tax assessment vendor.
As part of the revision process, the Department also updated 50 IAC 26 (LSA No. 19-365), with the final rule adopted on July 2, 2020, and the revised rule containing the updated Sales Disclosure Form file specifications becoming effective on January 1, 2021.
The Sales Disclosure Form (“SDF”) remains a tool primarily intended to capture sales data so that assessors can develop trending factors used in the annual adjustment process. The revisions are intended to help obtain better and more complete information. One of the more significant revisions is the creation of a separate addendum for Agricultural or Residential property, as well as an addendum for Commercial or Industrial property. The intent in creating a separate addendum for the property classes is to streamline the filing process as well as assisting the assessing official to identify the property being conveyed.
The Assessor’s Office is currently open to the public. Any documents which need to be submitted to the Assessor’s Office may be deposited into the drop boxes located at the Marshall County Building, mailed to our office, brought into our office, or emailed directly to us using the email link on this page. Our office is staffed with individuals who are ready to provide assistance and guidance to the fullest extent of our capability. A substantial amount of information regarding your property assessment can be obtained by reviewing the available information and documents within our Beacon GIS system. Additional links to forms and documents can be found at the bottom of this page.
The County Assessor is responsible for accurately and uniformly determining the market value-in-use of every property in Marshall County as of January 1 of the current year. Assessing officials must follow the rules of the Department of Local Government and Finance (DLGF) in all assessment or reassessment of real property practices. These processes are intended to distribute the property tax burden in a uniform and equitable manner. Mass appraisal is used as a process of valuing a group of properties as of a given date, using valid market sale prices, standard methods, employing common data, and allowing for statistical testing. We welcome any questions and/or concerns you may have with the methods used to determine the value-in-use of your property.
This is achieved by using three approaches to value
- Cost
- Income
- Sales Comparison
The State requires annual adjustments of assessments to reflect changes in the market. Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-4-4, the Cyclical Reassessment has commenced. Every year, we are required to review approximately 25% of the parcels in Marshall County.
In general, the County Assessor performs the following duties
- Assesses Land and Buildings for Residential & Agricultural Uses
- Assesses Land and Buildings for Commercial/Industrial Uses
- Processes Application for Property Tax Exemptions
- Annually Conducts the Cyclical Reassessment
- Serves as Secretary to the Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals
- Ensures Countywide Uniform Property Assessment Equalization
- Administers the Sales Disclosure Process
- Certifies Annual Assessments to the County Auditor’s Office
- Establishes Boundaries for Neighborhoods within their Townships
- Utilizes Recent Sales of Land to Establish Base Market Rates and Values
- Determines and Certifies Mobile Home Assessments to County Auditor
- Processes and Certifies Personal Property Assessments
The County Assessor is a statutory officer who is elected for a term of four years and may be elected without a term limit. This official functions under the direction of the Department of Local Government Finance and is required to have an Indiana Level III Assessor/Appraiser Certification.
You are encouraged to contact the Assessor’s Office if you have any questions or concerns regarding your assessments. The staff will be happy to explain the various processes used in the valuation of property.
Contact Us
County Assessor
- Phone: (574) 935-8525
- Fax: (574) 936-4863
- Staff Directory
- M - F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.